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Search results for query #поиск продуктов

6 replies
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
10.01.2021, 14:50
fix product search in progress
in cloud projects, the search for products does not work through the block of the interface of the process "Search for a product" https:/...
2 answer
15.12.2020, 12:57
Product search setup
There is a task http://ukrpromspec.onebox-system.com/admin/customorder/prodazhi/122088/edit/ . How to set up a product search field so that it disp...
2015672830 - Added a setting to the "Product Search" process block
Added setting "Search by name with partial match" for the interface block of the "Search products" process
2015662725 - Added the ability to display the main product image for the "Product Search" block
The setting "Show the main product image" has been added to the "Search products" block. If the checkbox is enabled, instead of...
2015659667 - Added the ability to search by subcategories for the "Product Search" block
In the "Search for products" block, a checkbox "Search including additional categories" has been added. If the checkbox is enab...
5 replies
19.10.2020, 14:38
Search by article does not work if there are numbers
I enter the first characters of the kp30 article - it does not find anything https://prnt.sc/v29wj1 I enter kp30* - Also finds nothing https://prnt...
2015602989 - Improved category output when searching for a product in progress
The ability to display the column “Category” has been improved in the interface block of the “Product Search” process - the column shows the entire...
2015525613 - Refinement of the block “Product Search”
For the interface block of the “Product Search” process, the ability to add its image when creating a product has been improved
2015508444 - Added "Brand" and "Model" fields to the product search block
For the “Product Search” block of the process interface, the “model” and “brand” filters have been added to the filter selection setting
2015467402 - Improvement on the output of categories in the product search block in the process
By default, all categories are displayed in the “search for products” process block. Improved setting "Show only main categories (1st level)&q...

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