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Search results for query #поиск продуктов

2 answer
18.09.2023, 14:12
Correct the blocks "Search for products by barcode" and "Check availability of products in the process by barcode"
Guys, please, can you somehow fix the interface blocks “Search for products by barcode” and “Check the availability of products in the process by b...
2 answer
21.05.2023, 15:05
Incorrectly displayed products that are in stock in the Search for products block
When you enable the "Show only products that are in stock" option in the Product search block and search by Zoya brand (present in the product name...
2 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
26.10.2022, 14:46
Block Product Search
Hello! In the BP interface, the Product search block does not search for products when choosing which warehouse to display product search and categ...
4 answer
10.10.2022, 16:34
Product search not working
Hello. 1) When searching for a product through the filter screen 1 instead of the result white page screen 2 / 2) drop-down fields became small s...
5 replies
03.08.2022, 22:00
Product search bug
There is a product that used to have one name and then another product with a completely different name was filled in instead. The search works som...
6 replies
16.06.2022, 12:23
Search for products in inventory does not work correctly
Here http://crm.tryalia.com.ua/app/storage/process/stocktaking/?storagefromid=4&s... does not find a product in the product search (...
3 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
15.02.2022, 20:06
OS - coordinate the display style of the block in the process interface
Question to the developer. Please do a search in one style. Now the product search blocks by barcode and qr-code look like on the screenshot 1052
3 answer
Search in table view
When searching for products in a table view, the results are displayed as a list. That is, the display format changes. Is this a bug, or is product...
2015876969 - The functionality of the "Product Search" block has been improved
A setting has been added for the "Search products" block that allows you to search by warehouses based on the value in the additional pro...
Adding a product to an order
Hello. Is it possible to add a product to an order after searching for it in the Product Search block by pressing any key instead of clicking on th...

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