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Search results for query #поиск продуктов

6 replies
31.03.2021, 16:28
Search products in history
Previously made revision 2015750001 I go into the history http://crm.mebelok.com/admin/customorder/realizatsiya-izdeliy/1915481/history/ There is a...
2 answer
30.03.2021, 13:06
Product search interface bug
Good afternoon. When searching for products, the folding of residues stops working. See video. Issue observed after accessing related products Proc...
1 answer
22.03.2021, 14:13
Product search cell/row highlight
https://rozpakui.crm-onebox.com/ In the process there is a block "Search for products" You need to modify the settings in it as in the Pr...
19 replies
10.03.2021, 23:45
The category tree does not expand in the Product Search block
Good evening. When clicking on a category in the Product Search block, the category tree does not expand. The process for checking https://crm.ohra...
3 answer
26.02.2021, 15:38
Search in crm OneBox does not work correctly
box rivcont Yesterday they began to notice the problem, the search stopped displaying information correctly. There is a product "Sauna Massage...
2015746211 - Added the ability to display all products in the "Product Search" block
For the interface block of the "Search products" process, the setting "Display the button for adding all products that meet the sear...
2015728038 - Added settings to the "Product Search" block
The following settings have been added for the interface block of the "Product Search" process: - when the checkbox "Show only produ...
3 answer
30.01.2021, 17:01
Search by partial input not working
Good afternoon! There is a constant problem with the search for goods in the box, whether in the process itself or in the global search, namely: it...
17 replies
30.01.2021, 12:44
Same article and description. Improvement "Search for a process product by article and brand at the same time"
Test order: https://psauto.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/31562/edit/. We came across cases when a product has the same article and descrip...
product search
Hello. For the interface block of the Search for products process, you need to add the setting: Permanently display the checkbox "Show only go...

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