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Search results for query #переучет

3 answer
Reappearance of goods in warehouses
Such a problem: they robbed the reappearance of a kilka for a year .... they clicked they clicked ... they clicked "save the results of the re...
2 answer
09.07.2021, 16:46
Issues with redistribution
Already posted here before https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/stock/9278-nevernaya-logika-raboti-korzin-pri-... But the topic was left ...
4 answer
07.07.2021, 16:44
Incorrect logic of work of baskets during inventory
During the inventory, we use the functionality of "personal baskets" so that more employees participate in the inventory and it goes fast...
9 replies
31.05.2021, 17:40
Re-sorting of goods
http://crm.mebelok.com/ I will explain the situation as it happens in reality with the client The client checks the goods that he has in the system...
4 answer
04.03.2021, 19:30
Cost re-accounting according to the exchange rate
Interested in refining as in this issue: https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/stock/2408-pereuchet-sebestoimosti-soglasno-ku...
4 answer
26.02.2021, 03:38
Re-accounting. Logic of work, questions + evaluation of improvements
Good afternoon. There are questions about the logic of the rediscount: 1. If we load goods from the warehouse during the inventory (load button) an...
Evaluate the improvement - Display a product photo in the Inventory / Restock menu and make the product ID a hyperlink to it in the CPM
From time to time I make mistakes in receipts due to the fact that there are similar product codes, and I receive the wrong product. The photo and ...
Cost re-accounting according to the exchange rate - Evaluate the revision
Estimate the revision, re-evaluate the balance of the warehouse, - the incoming price, according to the exchange rate. All goods are put on arrival...
Evaluate the improvement - Adding goods to Restocking / Posting / Write-off through the panel of Mass product changes
I am faced with the inconvenience of searching through the add menu in these sections: Accounting / Posting / Write-off. Estimate how much it costs...
15 replies
Please tell me, when RECOUNTING https://drevojelaniy.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/storage/stocktaking/?storagefromi... We throw go...

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