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Search results for query #мультиязычность

1 answer
05.03.2021, 10:54
It is very important for the client that OneBox and the client's personal account be in English. I switched to English, but the translation tur...
30 replies
24.02.2021, 14:32
Multilingual ordering
I use the multilingual block, how to make sure that only a certain language is added to the order, regardless of the user's language settings
9 replies
23.02.2021, 14:34
Personal account Registration
Good day... faced the same problem in LC When clicking the "Register Client" button... nothing happens to be more precise, there is a red...
3 answer
Тзов Екомора
22.02.2021, 14:18
Incorrect logic of robotic functionality
How can I understand the whole work of the functional with goods to lay down, then on the way of making the goods, the axis for the butt is the mai...
1 answer
21.02.2021, 21:51
Multilingual not working
I want to change the names of the pages, so that the Russian site would have "About us", and in Ukrainian "About us" . When sw...
5 replies
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
17.02.2021, 12:16
get product multilingual fields
I ask you to tell me if there is any action with which you can get the values of the multilingual fields of the product (for example, the name in U...
3 answer
Тзов Екомора
17.02.2021, 11:10
Incorrect work of the functionality of the richness
The vinicle problem is after the completion of such a problem; when transferring description via API, the description does not get into the product...
12 replies
16.02.2021, 23:49
Incorrect acceptance of orders from opencart in different languages
Good afternoon, Multilingualism is connected, information about products, their filters, filter values, respectively, too, products and filters (op...
Multilingualism in the mobile version
I connected the multilingual function, but in the mobile versions of the site there is no option to select the language. Moreover, I connected it o...
1 answer
28.01.2021, 17:59
Multilingual not turned off
https://crm.tcc.com.ua About a year ago, multilingualism was connected, then it was turned off, by default the boxes work in Russian. But in our ca...

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