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6 replies
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
10.05.2021, 18:26
Wordpress products not uploading
Set up integration https://cabinet.b2bframes.com/admin/shop/integrations/wordpress-5/control/ Added export action https://take.ms/X8fvl https://cab...
The problem of setting up integration with the site on tilda
The client has a box https://klimenkovanastya.crm-onebox.com/dashboard/ There was a problem with the integration of CPM with the site on tilda. I c...
How to make a payment by bank transfer when forming TTN Nova Poshta
Good afternoon. We are trying to arrange payment by bank transfer when forming a TTN of a new mail. To do this, he created a company. Enterprise co...
2 answer
29.04.2021, 16:03
Import processes from PrestaShop for multistore
Good afternoon. There was a problem when importing orders to crm from cms prestashop. We use the standard multistore option in our cms, roughly spe...
9 replies
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
19.04.2021, 17:28
Export product category to Wordpress
Several sites are connected in the box, but we cannot export the category by name, since the names are duplicated. Can we do: 1) Search for a categ...
Integration with Ukrposhta does not work
Good afternoon! I threw out the integration of Ukr mail, when I try to install it again from the market, it gives an error!
8 replies
15.04.2021, 11:41
Orders with Magento are not pulled up
Integration with Magento is set up https://josera.crm-onebox.com/admin/magento/settings/1/ Automatic action for importing orders is configured. Ver...
3 answer
TTN - NP Logistic is not created for targeted delivery
TTN np logistics is not created for targeted delivery due to duplication in the fields. In order No. 1157, such data when trying to create a TTN n...
3 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
08.04.2021, 16:39
Refinement of photo export in Wordpress
It is necessary to implement a reverification of the visibility of the image in the variation: Por_vnyuvati the image code at vіdpovіdі zapitu with...
29 replies
30.03.2021, 16:05
Products and categories are not uploaded from onebox to Wordpress
Good afternoon, when connecting the onebox integration to the site on Wordpres, nothing happens. When you try to register fields and keys from the ...

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