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Search results for query #импорт товаров

3 answer
19.02.2021, 11:23
How does the product import functionality work in the context of Filters?
Hello! Tell me, how does the import functionality work in the context of Filters? (https://prnt.sc/100ng40) Task number 1 - the product has 10 filt...
8 replies
05.02.2021, 14:01
Incorrect import from Goodshop orders with kits and gifts
Incorrect import from Goodshop of orders with sets and gifts. With the Gift function (a product with a zero price) enabled, we see the order on ХШ ...
7 replies
27.01.2021, 16:34
Import of goods
When setting up the import of goods into the system, it gives an error Availability is not pulled up (all products are imported as "out of sto...
1 answer
19.01.2021, 08:07
It is necessary to estimate (each separately) the cost of writing parsing for importing goods into OneBox from sites: 1. https://www.tefcold.ru 2. ...
1 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
10.11.2020, 09:23
Fill in the bulk field "Quantity in the box"
Good afternoon, Tell me how you can import for all products the "Quantity in the box" field, which is located in the product card "P...
1 answer
Doesn't load lineup
There is an import action https://complux.crm-onebox.com/admin/auto/action/hour/edit/ The lineup field should contain the name (the site where we ...
6 replies
04.11.2020, 13:32
import of onebox goods from outlet
Hello, is it possible to import goods from rozetka and how is it done and configured?
2 answer
20.10.2020, 10:48
incorrect import of goods
Good afternoon. Import of goods from OpenCart does not work correctly. Some products are not imported from OpenCart to OneBox For example Product i...
1 answer
16.10.2020, 10:30
Product linking after Universal Product Import (xml/json)
When importing goods into the box with this action Generic product import (xml/json) We have in the "linking products" on the right side,...
10 replies
04.10.2020, 12:57
Import of goods from Prom
Good day, goods from Prom are not imported to Boxing http://joxi.ru/DmB86M4c4woWwA metrader.com.ua

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