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Search results for query #изображения

4 answer
13.10.2021, 11:58
OS - Improvement - Products table, images
Please add the ability to choose what size the picture will be in the list. Now, because of the pictures, the list is too huge. Often you need to s...
1 answer
Missing photos from some products
The unloading of products from the prom to OneBox was set up, everything was fine, but suddenly, images disappeared from some products. The floor l...
You need to configure the export of images to opencart
Here is the integration https://gmstore.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/integrations/opencart-1/control/ What access do you need and how many hours of yo...
2 answer
28.07.2021, 10:34
OS - doesn't load images in description
1. I open the product https://rivcont.info/app/product/5955/edit/ 2. 3. 4. 5. When I try to start uploading an image, I get look
1 answer
06.07.2021, 10:41
Uploading images to the product card
When adding an image to the "main image", at the time of saving it crashes to the box's start page. The situation is similar when del...
3 answer
01.07.2021, 21:23
Downloading additional images
Unable to add additional image. Layout breaks, photos are not saved.
16 replies
15.06.2021, 12:05
Report error. And it doesn't load images.
Good afternoon. Set up integration with Opencart. Unloads everything except images. Here is the error in boxing - In the old version, on tests, I ...
16 replies
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
23.03.2021, 08:57
When importing goods and then when updating, the system loaded duplicate images
Here is the product https://baza.cn.ua/admin/shop/products/63729/edit/ There are duplicates in additional images (screenshot) Products were importe...
1 answer
Is it possible to edit the title of an image??
I upload images to the system, then upload them to the site and some of the photos have a very large name, it was all loaded before, now there is a...
2 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
24.02.2021, 12:02
Product photos were imported incorrectly
A photo from xml was imported into the product card Product example https://erp.openshop.ua/admin/shop/products/187461/edit/ History shows https://...

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