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Search results for query #заказ поставщику

4 answer
25.10.2021, 12:18
Each product in the process is placed as a separate order for the supplier, even if several products have the same supplier
I ask you to help the question, I checked different combinations of checkmarks when placing an order to the supplier, but the result is the same .....
11 replies
22.10.2021, 23:01
Checking a vendor order in a sales order
A question. Is it possible to make an order check to the supplier for each item in the sales order? It would be convenient the following, if when t...
5 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
06.10.2021, 15:17
OS - action Create process to supplier does not work
Here it is configured https://multiform.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/workflowstatus/96/action/new/ here is the task from under which you need to start...
5 replies
01.08.2021, 09:33
Improvement of the action "Set the business process for the purchase of products per employee"
Good afternoon! Please evaluate the improvement of the automatic action "Set the business process for the purchase of products per employee&qu...
6 replies
29.07.2021, 13:18
Automatically add a customer to an order
Good afternoon! There is a supplier, a client is attached to him. How can I set it so that when placing an order to a supplier using the "Inse...
2 answer
29.07.2021, 12:29
Doesn't open app
There is an application Here is the logic Clicking on the app icon just refreshes the page.
7 replies
25.07.2021, 22:17
Supplier order document template
Good evening! How to display the system fields in the document template used in the Purchase Order: Supplier code Supplier's name ?
4 answer
25.07.2021, 14:46
Set up a business process for purchasing products per employee
Good afternoon! There is an automatic action "Set the business process for the purchase of products per employee." When creating the &quo...
4 answer
24.07.2021, 11:15
Supplier order
Good afternoon! Process "Order to supplier": In the "Copy Supplier Price" procedure, the "Copy Process Product Fields&quot...
3 answer
27.05.2021, 16:50
Action consultation Create a process for a supplier
There is an action Create Process to Vendor You can add a setting that will check an additional field of the product of the process, in which the I...

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