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Search results for query #експорт

10 replies
No ability to export filter name (UA)
I provide a screenshot. I can export the filter in one language, and the value in two languages. Previously, it was possible to export both the nam...
0 replies
Separation of unloading fields in the action "Integration of XML products (Export)"
Good day. Tell me, maybe someone can help. I provide screenshots of the problem... It is necessary to download the product suppliers from onebox...
Is it possible to export or backup the "Knowledge Base"?
Is it possible to export all genders from the knowledge base?
export of goods
how to make sure that when exporting goods, the values ​​in the fields are replaced? for example, there is a "tire diameter" filter and the value R...
2 answer
A bug with access rights, it is impossible to open access to a certain action!
Good day. I bring the screens. Does not open access to the "send" button (it is necessary to send to the export file, that is, to export bonuses...
4 answer
07.05.2023, 14:24
The link with the export of goods does not come to the mail
The product export file is not received.
4 answer
Export file OneBox - Prom. File ERROR
Good day. 3 screenshots of the problem are attached. Since yesterday, the file for transfer to Prom has not been created. What have you done since ...
2 answer
30.01.2023, 16:49
Creates a corrupted file when exporting products.
http://crm.tryalia.com.ua/desktop/ We take products created recently. http://crm.tryalia.com.ua/app/product/?filtercdatefrom=2022-10-01+00%3A00 We ...
Automation "Export of goods to Khorosop" has disappeared
The possibility of exporting goods to Khorozhop has completely disappeared. Will this opportunity arise again?
2 answer
Does not send export to e-mail
My own question: I send the products from the application, the selected items to "Import/export products", select a template, specify the...

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