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Search results for query #выгрузка товаров

1 answer
25.07.2023, 15:53
Export file not received by email
The export file of goods with all the data does not come to the mail, I tried gmail ukr.net mail, none of them received a file. what could be the p...
3 answer
20.06.2023, 14:29
Unloading goods in xlsx price list template
Here https://gamacrm.1b.app/app/automatization/day/edit/ There is an action "Nadsilati price list skin year/day". It is necessary to refine the tem...
2 answer
how to set up sync by product id in OneBox?
Good time of the day. We have only one identifier in the product cards in Onebox - Article. But even that is not always available. But we need to u...
3 answer
BAAs Dev.
07.12.2021, 11:47
NOT WORKING Hourly crowns
I noticed that automation by the hourly krone was no longer being worked out again, namely the Import of goods universal and Unloading to trading f...
13 replies
23.08.2021, 10:37
Uploading prices for Prom does not work correctly (automatic export of products in YML format)
Good afternoon! When unloading goods on Prom, the price is sent along with the discount. In the import settings on Proma, the settings are correct....
4 answer
How to make automatic unloading of goods
We have a Technostyle supplier, you need to download an XML file for automatic unloading. To have everything automatically, as for other suppliers.
2 answer
08.07.2021, 08:23
Unloading goods (layout breaks)
The layout breaks if you choose a template, besides, the template cannot be deleted.
Export products in xlsx
When exporting goods, I designate two fields with the growth of Ukrainian language, loading only Ukrainian into the fields.
7 replies
27.05.2021, 10:04
Products are unloaded in the wrong category
I ask for help in resolving the issue: Products are unloaded in CPM from 2 online stores CMS Simpla and Opencart. The goods in these stores are com...
3 answer
14.05.2021, 12:45
Action advice Upload products/categories/filters/characteristics to opencart (via database)
The action uploads all products from OneBox to Opencart even if they are not on Opencart Is it possible to refine the setting so that only goods th...

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