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Search results for query #автоматизація

2 answer
13.03.2023, 17:35
Is it possible to change the automation from "once per minute" to "once every 3 minutes"?
Is it possible to change the automation from "once per minute" to "once every 3 minutes"? Here it is: Can't find how to do this.
1 answer
10.03.2023, 17:52
Problems with "switch to stage if mail received" action
This action works together with the "send message by email" action. It is known that the subject of the letter should contain the process ID. We sp...
6 replies
The minute crown stopped working
No changes were made, nothing new was added. What could be the problem? All other crowns are working.
1 answer
Crowns have stopped!!! No orders come in, no automation.
Good day, please tell me: I started the import on WordPress and after 5 minutes the automation stopped working. I see on the crowns that the last a...
35 replies
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
21.02.2023, 10:43
complete the action "Turn a letter into a process" (search for the client of the process by the address of the recipient of the letter)
complete the action "Turn a letter into a process". You have to make an option "search for the client of the process by the address of the recipien...
0 replies
ІнваФішки, консультант
18.02.2023, 14:14
Parsing of goods from xml - price check
Congratulations! They set up product parsing, check integrators through Automation and reported that everything is fine, but it doesn't work. Other...
2 answer
04.01.2023, 21:44
"Create payroll process based on processes closed by the employee for the past month" automation pulls up redundant processes
https://integrator.crm-onebox.com/app/automatization/hour/edit/ Automation: Create a payroll process based on the employee's closed processes for t...
1 answer
Automation tasks are not running
Automation tasks stopped running. This happened after an error regarding the end of free disk space, the system did not work after a while, then re...
1 answer
18.11.2022, 09:38
0 is not recorded by the action Calculate the value according to the formula and write it in the specified field
https://josera.crm-onebox.com/admin/products/action/update/edit/ Configured action Calculate the value according to the formula and write it in the...
3 answer
14.11.2022, 10:39
Automatic processes are not created
Good afternoon! On Saturday, the automatic processes stopped happening once a year. So, the leaves for mail to box began to come in large numbers l...

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