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Search results for query #права доступа

6 replies
17.09.2021, 20:39
No access to process import with column selection
No access to process import with column selection Permissions configured for role and import enabled https://crm.sportlife.ua/admin/role/57/acl/ B...
5 replies
17.09.2021, 15:04
When changing positions, the employee's access rights are not removed
When changing positions, the employee's access rights are not removed Example: Assign a position to a contact and he has access rights Now we...
1 answer
17.09.2021, 14:57
There are no access rights to edit a contact if it has a different manager.
There are no access rights to edit a contact if it has a different manager. Set up permissions for the role. Specified access to view and edit for ...
9 replies
Personal license
17.09.2021, 12:22
Blocking access to the system for OneBox employees:
here https://integrator.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/online/ checked but I try under the isusiak login - it allows me to enter. can you fix
2 answer
16.09.2021, 10:39
OS: Not displaying in-process comments for certain permissions
Good afternoon! There is a problem, for users with the following access rights https://our-store.com.ua/app/acl/aclgrouppermission/3/, comments are...
4 answer
15.09.2021, 11:08
Position rights are not dragged correctly by menu items
Good afternoon. The employee https://crm.ohrana.ua/admin/shop/users/113098/ has access rights configured, the rights are drawn from his role. At th...
3 answer
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
09.09.2021, 22:11
How to restrict access to payments for a specific category and what the payment category setting in permissions is responsible for
In the rights https://baza.cn.ua/admin/shop/users/permissions/1180/ In the finance block there is a setting "Payment category" I removed ...
7 replies
Access rights for incoming and outgoing payments.
Is it possible to configure the choice of visibility of incoming and outgoing payments in access rights? If yes, please evaluate the improvement.
3 answer
06.09.2021, 17:29
OS - Improvement - Disappearing context menu and toggles
- Please make sure that the context menu does not close after switching each switch - it is inconvenient and long to open the menu each time. As a ...
4 answer
Personal license
31.08.2021, 10:40
OS does not display the list of employees
here https://nevgamovni.crm-onebox.com/app/employer/ writes 2 , but there is no

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