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Search results for query #обновление

1 answer
05.07.2022, 16:11
OS update
https://crm.meblevakimnata.ua/ 1. We are interested in updating on OS, write the cost 2. We have 27 boxed licenses, it's not entirely clear how...
1 answer
Please upgrade to Onebox OS
Good afternoon, please sign up for an upgrade to onebox OS.
1 answer
OS upgrade
Please update https://zoo365.crm-onebox.com/ to OS
1 answer
14.02.2022, 13:57
Update on OS
Good day https://zhiraf.crm-onebox.com/ The client needs to upgrade to the OS, but praise for the upgrade and integration. Can you make a copy of t...
4 answer
08.02.2022, 15:07
OS update
https://crm.dobavki.ua/ 1. We are interested in updating on the OS, check if it is possible to make a copy of CRM, update it to OS so that we can s...
2 answer
24.01.2022, 17:57
Settings after updating to OS
Good afternoon. After updating to the OS version, will I need to set up the box for a new one? Business processes, product and order mapping, integ...
OneBox upgrade to MVP version
Please upgrade OneBox http://top-autogas.crm-onebox.com/ to MVP version
8 replies
Hello, you need to update the https://vetzoopla.net/ box to the green MVP version. Thanks
2 answer
I can't get into the box. Gives an error message
Good morning. Vchepa updated you, also yesterday they put it on an upgrade to the OS version. Today vanbox does not load, gives an error. Please re...
Box not working (updated php and MariaDB to latest versions)
Our box (box) https://yavshoke.ua/ Yesterday in the period from 22 to 00, we updated php and MariaDB to the latest versions, and also added memory....

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