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Search results for query #товары

0 replies
05.02.2024, 11:53
Product reserve does not work correctly
Good afternoon. There is a problem with the item reserve action not triggering correctly. It is necessary that when moving to a stage, the product ...
2 answer
20.02.2023, 13:50
The search stopped looking for products by an additional field.
Good afternoon https://box.agro-him.com.ua/ A year ago, an additional field was made on all products, in which the active substance of the drug was...
8 replies
05.01.2023, 16:23
Export products to CS-Cart
For the action "Export products to CS-Cart" once per hour, we can modify the checkbox "Upload only products that meet the following ...
4 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
27.09.2022, 12:14
Grouping products in the table
Hello! How not to add the same product in a new line in the product table, but add a quantity. Now this is implemented through the Product Search b...
1 answer
08.08.2022, 08:58
Recalculation - when trying to register - selects the second warehouse
Here is a recalculation for example I choose a warehouse and add a product when I click to go to posting, I get the quantity - everything is corre...
10 replies
Product filters.
Good afternoon! please help with setting up product filters When exporting/importing products, the characteristics in the product card are loaded a...
7 replies
27.07.2022, 11:32
The prices have stopped!
Good afternoon! http://box.agro-him.com.ua/ Good afternoon, could you please tell me what is happening with the recalculation of prices? Today the ...
Updating pictures through import
Good afternoon, tell me about updating products through import. I want to update the images (main and additional) from the file, I have prepared a ...
Product selection field. How to setup?
How to correctly configure the output of the field with the choice of goods in the form? The product was created, credited to the warehouse, the qu...
3 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
23.02.2022, 17:09
OS Refinement, add the ability to attach related products to products, as it was in MVP
Good afternoon, Now in the OS there is no concept of related products, but lists are used. But it is extremely inconvenient for users to use this t...

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