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Search results for query #облако

1 answer
23.12.2022, 13:16
Disk space for cloud OneBoxes
Dear users and partners! We are constantly working to ensure that OneBox cloud plans have the maximum available storage space for your data. I hope...
cloud tariff
Hello, at the moment we have a box for one user, if you switch to the cloud, you need 4 users, it's not entirely clear what to do with the data...
11 replies
25.01.2022, 17:35
Tariffs for old customers or a scam?
Help understand the issue of payment, suspension of the cloud and other public statements on the forum. Here, not so long ago, a conversation took ...
1 answer
Security Wanbox OS
Question regarding the security of our data in OneBox. Please clarify what is Onebox's SOC2 Compliance status, and is there a continuity/disast...
1 answer
16.11.2021, 14:33
Cloud OneBox OS can be purchased at rozetka.com.ua
Dear Clients! We are glad to announce that cloudy OneBox OS can be bought at the outlet - https://soft.rozetka.com.ua/324996118/p324996118/ One of ...
3 answer
19.06.2021, 07:54
Archiving processes
There is such a problem: There are a lot of files in our clients' orders (drawings, PDF documents, photos, videos, document scans, etc.) that c...
1 answer
Администратор проектов
30.03.2021, 14:35
Moving from the box to the cloud - clarifying questions
Box smartok.org.ua, 2 licenses box. Ready to go on lease, but: 1. On tariff-3 there is not enough space for his box - how can I increase the space ...
1 answer
Администратор проектов
30.03.2021, 12:53
What is more profitable - to pay for updates to your box to OS or switch to the cloud?
There are customers who doubt that they should move to the cloud and believe that it is more cost-effective to pay for upgrades than to pay for ren...
2 answer
09.03.2021, 11:40
Penalty for transferring a cloud client to a box
Dear OneBox partners and distributors, we inform you that if you transfer the cloud client to a box - you will receive a fine of $ 400 to the &quot...
0 replies
09.03.2021, 11:34
Any discount on the first payment for a cloud client
Dear partners and distributors of OneBox! Now we pay you a commission for connecting a cloud client in the amount of $400, of which we pay you $200...

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