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Search results for query #личный кабинет клиента

0 replies
07.12.2023, 11:02
Add an app avatar on the My Apps page
Guys, I ask you to display application avatars on this page https://1b.app/ru/billing/apps/, otherwise I was in a hurry and paid for the wrong appl...
4 answer
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
03.04.2023, 14:37
500 error when going to the stage in cab. client
Here https://univer.1b.app/client/order/43857/ From under the client https://univer.1b.app/app/contact/44/ in Ukrainian. language. If we click "Con...
3 answer
09.02.2023, 14:45
How to disable the Personal Account for a user?
Good afternoon. Can you please tell me how to disable the user's personal account? Preferably with displaying some kind of information window, for ...
3 answer
07.10.2022, 15:16
Field layout bug. The layout of the fields changes when you open them for editing.
The layout of the fields changes when you open them for editing When the fields are closed they are all arranged in one column. When you start to o...
6 replies
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
15.08.2022, 09:58
Installing the client's personal account application
Now, if you enter the admin panel from the phone - the system offers to install any application on the phone as a link. Is it possible to make the ...
11 replies
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
12.07.2022, 15:19
Improvements for a personal account - 2 :)
1. It is necessary to supplement an existing one or make a new block where one could add a button (ideally one block and one button in it) so that ...
1 answer
28.04.2022, 13:03
Switching product pages in personal account
https://crm.dobavki.ua/client/product/list/?filterbrandid%5B%5D=22&filternam... Opened the products page, filt...
5 replies
24.03.2022, 16:23
Adding products to personal account
https://crm.dobavki.ua/client/product/list/ Products for selection are displayed, it displays how much is in stock. Let's say quantity 1 in sto...
3 answer
18.02.2022, 17:01
Incorrect reflection of the BP balance in the client's personal account
There is a BP Order to the contractor (outgoing). We added payment to the contractor (order client) for 10 thousand on it. In the BP itself, the ba...
12 replies
14.02.2022, 14:20
Mobile version of the Personal Account
Good afternoon! We want to order a mobile application for a personal account. Need advice on this issue.

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