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Search results for query #iurchenko.roman@diademagrand.com

33 answer
27.01.2021, 14:15
Printing Labels / Price Lists
Hello! Need help designing/customizing a template for multiple labels in the BP steps (https://i.imgur.com/GyeXfUy.jpg). The data either slips or h...
19 replies
26.01.2021, 21:36
Price tags (labels) are not printed correctly
Hello! There was a problem printing price tags/labels from a business process with the "Print price tag" action. I have a label printer c...
4 answer
23.01.2021, 10:46
Nova Poshta: "Point of acceptance-delivery" is not tightened correctly
Good afternoon! There is a problem. If an order is received from any of the sources / marketplaces and the order indicates "Pick-up point&quot...
29 replies
23.01.2021, 10:26
Nova Poshta: offices are not being pulled up
If an order is received from any of the sources/marketplaces and the order specifies a locality in Ukrainian, this locality is not included in the ...
4 answer
21.01.2021, 13:46
Branches of New Almost in Ukrainian are not pulled up and the "Point of acceptance and issue" is not correctly transmitted
Good afternoon! There are 2 problems with integration with Nova Poshta: 1) If an order is received from any of the sources/marketplaces and the ord...
4 answer
21.01.2021, 13:26
503 error when creating TTN Nova Poshta
Good afternoon! I can’t understand why, but in my box (https://our-store.com.ua/) I periodically get a 503 error (https://prnt.sc/xd4ruj) when gene...
4 answer
15.01.2021, 17:39
Global search not displaying correctly
Hello! When using a global search, the pop-up with information is often not displayed correctly, namely, the results are not displayed - https://i....
10 replies
13.01.2021, 19:40
Internet connection error on the server
Hello! For a couple of days, the box has been showing the notification "There was a problem with the Internet connection on your server. Conta...
3 answer
25.12.2020, 15:11
How to add an additional automation addon "PromUA / Export products in XLS format"
Hello! Tell me about automation "PromUA / Export products in XLS format": 1) How to make it possible to insert data from additional field...
4 answer
23.12.2020, 13:46
Rosette changed the name of one status
Hello! I noticed that Rozetka changed one status and because of this, automations do not work for me. Here is the status: Now "Processing by m...

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