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Search results for query #імпорт

0 replies
02.04.2024, 20:02
Correct addition of goods to the order during import
https://crm.tryalia.com.ua/app/automatization/minute/edit/ Automation once a minute - Integration of XML/JSON business processes (Import) Return ...
1 answer
19.02.2024, 09:54
BAG. When importing products with the same article number but different brands.
When importing products with the same article number but different brands, instead of creating a new one, the existing product in BOX is overwritte...
1 answer
06.02.2024, 18:20
When importing data into directories, the system hangs and does not import all data
When importing data into directories from a file in XLS format, the system imports data, but every now and then it shows an error and then everythi...
5 replies
CEO, owwa.com.ua
27.09.2023, 10:31
Refinement of the Import of products into the process, add a condition for updating products based on the value of the additional field of the product of the process
Good afternoon, we use two product tables in the process, divide them by the value of the additional field of the product of the process, and encou...
The connection with the supplier is deleted!
I connect the supplier through the import of xlsx products. It seems to me that the connection with the supplier is deleted after 10-15 minutes whe...
what is "supplier availability text"?
In the fine settings of product import, there is such a field "supplier availability text" What is it responsible for? What are its functions?
1 answer
Crowns have stopped!!! No orders come in, no automation.
Good day, please tell me: I started the import on WordPress and after 5 minutes the automation stopped working. I see on the crowns that the last a...
How to import "Crushing" for a product?
Is it possible and how to import "Crushing" for the product?
2 answer
When importing, "Category" and "Id of business process" are not pulled
When importing products via XLS, "Category" and "Business Process Id" are not automatically pulled. That is, these characteristics are indicated in...
8 replies
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
13.07.2022, 11:41
The postal worker brought changes to his ap
Types of products have changed xml structure The products were added to the last child tag goods - and now the stench is not updated. Discussed her...

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