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Search results for query #холдинговая компания

10 replies
07.11.2023, 12:56
Bug! Problems with orders.
Good afternoon It is not possible to process orders. Orders open in 30-40 seconds. The interface has become distorted. The holding companies block ...
1 answer
26.09.2023, 12:47
Finalization of the block "Structure of the holding company"
Hi all. Rate the improvement. Be able to add blocks and extend connections similar to setting up a power supply. Be able to add a contact/company c...
8 replies
18.07.2021, 17:53
OS: The block "Structure of the client's holding company" is no longer displayed correctly
Compared to MVP, the OS started displaying the "Structure of the client's holding company" block in a completely different way. Now i...
3 answer
08.04.2021, 13:58
Assignment to multiple holding companies
Good afternoon! Now the contact card type "Company", has the ability to add only one holding company. Can one company have multiple holdi...
1 answer
08.02.2021, 10:31
Advice on adding the Holding company field to the contacts list
When listing Contacts, the names of companies are displayed, but holding companies are displayed if there are any https://prnt.sc/yothxb/ You can a...
1 answer
11.11.2020, 21:23
Copying the name of the company or holding company
There is an action Copy process fields https://prnt.sc/vhkq4w You can add a selection of the process client company name field if the client of the...
3 answer
04.09.2020, 16:39
How to remove a contact from a holding structure
I can't find a button/switch in the interface that would remove a contact from the holding structure. It's clear how to add it (interface b...

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