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Search results for query #единый чат

4 answer
14.07.2021, 12:11
Telegram messages not coming
I set up telegram integration yesterday. Checked the "Use webhook to receive messages" checkbox. https://smartgroup.crm-onebox.com/admin/...
When sending a message to the unified chat bot, it gives an error
I screwed bots to the van box: telegram, viber, fb messenger. Sometimes, for some unknown reason, after the client starts a conversation, we cannot...
8 replies
22.04.2021, 17:21
how to delete old messages in chat?
Good afternoon. A lot of messages have gathered in a single chat. Thousands. They make chatting difficult. How to remove them? how to get rid of ol...
10 replies
Интернет Магазин openshop.ua
28.02.2021, 21:50
A single hour is not a single chat ... a baby dies
Gentlemen, they made a product, but left it unfinished. According to the specifics of the work, new chats are constantly added. Now it has come to ...
Telegram bot (notification of new messages in the Unified Chat)
Please tell me how to set up a telegram bot, it is necessary that notifications about new messages (from bots) fall in the Unified Chat ?
9 replies
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
21.02.2021, 19:22
open a single chat when clicking on the viber icon in the contact card
you need to make it so that if the contact card has a viberid contact for correspondence, then when you click on this button (the viber icon in th...
8 replies
04.12.2020, 17:04
Chat is slow
Good afternoon. Faced with the fact that when trying to enter the "Unified Chat" + when switching between chats, there is a very large de...
1 answer
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
23.11.2020, 12:38
In a single chat, chats came from the outlet, I kind of read them, but it still shows me after a while that it has not been read
Here https://baza.cn.ua/admin/messenger-chat/ Here it shows https://prnt.sc/vobhdr I have already entered this chat several times, it seems that af...
26 replies
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
23.11.2020, 12:36
How to clean "Unified Chat"
Here https://baza.cn.ua/cc/ Here is a picture https://prnt.sc/vobfos How to remove these numbers?
32 answer
06.10.2020, 18:04
Comprehensive improvement for the convenience of using messengers
We have set up integration with messengers (FB, Viber, Telegram), but so far it is difficult to switch to them completely. some improvements are ne...

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