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11 replies
10.01.2023, 20:29
Do not show possible options if a certain field is not filled or the data does not match
https://univer.1b.app/desktop/ It is necessary not to show options from the directory if there is no match in other fields. Under this client https...
1 answer
17.06.2021, 16:58
Product data update
They remembered the main language of boxing - in Russian, the names of the descriptions of goods were rewritten in Ukrainian on the Russian interfa...
disk space
how much disk space is left in the box (my-zakup.crm-onebox.com)
1 answer
10.02.2021, 17:00
What permissions do I need to provide to upload OneBox to the client's server?
The client wants us to transfer the information and OneBox itself from the existing server to another server that is more powerful. What specific a...
1 answer
18.01.2021, 16:08
Big Data
The client has large volumes of files in the process. Now they already amount to hundreds of gigabytes. No more than 5 employees are required to wo...
7 replies
09.12.2020, 15:49
Setting up automatic infusion of data into SRM
The essence of the task is as follows - there is a box And employees work in it (bring in clients, keep orders, etc.) must be done in such a way th...
2 answer
Интернет Магазин openshop.ua
18.11.2020, 19:01
not all data gets into the box
Good evening. I use telephony from Nextel, I also have a goip with my sim cards for outgoing calls. Data from calls that customers make to my SIM c...
1 answer
24.09.2020, 22:07
Required fields
The situation is the following. Interface for quickly adding a contact of an individual - https://prnt.sc/un9o6k Of these, mandatory: type, full na...
1 answer
How long will OneBox keep? if I do not renew the lease, for the reason that my project is currently on pause, for an indefinite period of time.

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