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Search results for query #база знаний

7 replies
03.06.2022, 07:22
Problem with mobile devices
The knowledge base is not available from mobile devices and we cannot use it without being on a computer, for example, if a person is away and he o...
4 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
22.04.2022, 10:32
Not practicing Knowledge base
Good day, today, when you know the basics of knowledge, we will take a pardon - be right, be kind. https://owwa.crm-onebox.com/app/knowledgebase/ S...
3 answer
12.04.2022, 22:55
Are you planning to improve the knowledge base?
Using the knowledge base is not as convenient as possible, except to search for the desired article through a global search, but if an employee doe...
6 replies
18.02.2022, 11:31
OS - Entities as in other lists
The knowledge base has not changed for the better for several years. The list of articles is just as gloomy and uncomfortable. Maybe it's worth...
5 replies
Video files are not being verified in the knowledge base
Good day! After adding video files, they don’t stink, although at the stage of their advancement, the boules What format should the video files be ...
3 answer
15.07.2021, 14:05
OS - Glitch after transfer
Photos disappeared from the knowledge base, as well as the style of the tables has changed. We don't know how to get it back.
4 answer
20.01.2021, 08:27
How to completely clear the Knowledge Base from the Onebox documentation?
We need to leave only our information in the knowledge base. How can I clear the Knowledge Base from Boxing docks? https://prnt.sc/x9nc06
1 answer
11.01.2021, 22:09
Spelling errors, typos
Hello! Please correct errors in the Knowledge Base filter https://prnt.sc/wl9n9y
3 answer
17.12.2020, 16:00
Issue displaying video files in knowledge base
Hello, we added a new employee, gave links to an introductory course on the CRM, we have it with a knowledge base in the form of video reviews of p...
4 answer
20.11.2020, 17:28
Glitch with font size in the knowledge base
https://prnt.sc/vmwyi2 Starting a new article in the Knowledge Base, the system writes that the font is 12. If you select all the text and set the ...

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