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Search results for query #z.dmytro

4 answer
13.11.2020, 10:11
Tilda. The cost of the goods increases by a multiple of the number of pieces
When transferring orders from Tilda, the cost of the goods increases by a multiple of the number of pieces For example: The client ordered 2 pcs. g...
4 answer
12.11.2020, 16:34
Contacts disappear
When I try to log into the client card, I get an error 500. In the screenshots provided full information.
2 answer
11.11.2020, 11:33
API with DaData.ru
Good afternoon, please tell me what could be the mistake and on whose side is it? I connected the integration with the DaData.ru company, so that w...
12 replies
28.10.2020, 14:26
Category output about search
https://prnt.sc/v8mqyg In many places there is a problem with searching in categories. Please add the output of the parent to the value you are loo...
32 answer
06.10.2020, 18:04
Comprehensive improvement for the convenience of using messengers
We have set up integration with messengers (FB, Viber, Telegram), but so far it is difficult to switch to them completely. some improvements are ne...

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