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Search results for query #viber

4 answer
13.05.2021, 12:21
With which platform does Viber have integration for sending messages?
TurboSMS has the ability to send messages from Viber to clients, but it's not clear if there is a possibility of integration with OneBox, perha...
2 answer
11.05.2021, 10:18
Integration with telegram/viber
Good afternoon! 1. Viber integration works, tasks are created, but notifications are not sent to the communications center. https://ubp.crm-onebox....
6 replies
07.05.2021, 10:36
File upload error
Good afternoon. I am attaching the viber chat file. The file is uploaded to the server. https://crm.ohrana.ua/admin/file/34879/ It can be seen that...
1 answer
19.04.2021, 12:14
Viber message not replying
I can't reply to a message in a task created automatically with Viber. Comments feed settings - Chat with Viber has been added and configured ...
8 replies
15.04.2021, 11:10
Several processes are created from Viber messages from one client
Good afternoon! For example, 8 processes were created for the client (screen 1 in one second, despite the fact that the automation settings do not...
4 answer
14.04.2021, 19:05
Facebook, Viber
Please add an option to automation: -Turn a viber message into a business process -Turn a Telegram message into a business process -Turn a Facebook...
Incoming Viber messages from the client are doubled.
Hello, on Friday we caught a "bug". Several identical messages began to come from clients to processes. Here are links to processes where...
7 replies
15.03.2021, 13:16
Sending transactional messages via viber/sms via action
Good afternoon. We have connected the action of sending transactional messages via Viber by default, if the message cannot be sent in Viber, the me...
10 replies
10.03.2021, 09:53
Viber BSGWorld messages not sending
Viber BSGWorld messages not sending Improved #2015755887 "Revised. use your endpoint in API URL in BSG World SMS and BSG World viber" Mes...
7 replies
26.02.2021, 13:00
Transferring Context to viber bot
Good afternoon. I send the client a link with a link to a viber bot of the following form: viber://pa?chatURI=ohrana_ua&context=131832&text...

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