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Search results for query #інтерфейс

4 answer
Тзов Екомора
24.02.2021, 10:34
superimposed the interface of the CT connection with the interface of the BP
When closing the CT through the request block https://prnt.sc/105hm34, the video shows that the interface is superimposed at the bottom of the fuel...
3 answer
Personal license
27.01.2021, 16:03
View of the "Today" button in the calendar
Good day! The client complains that managers choose the date for the process in the calendar, but if the button "Today" is already simila...
12 replies
Personal license
25.11.2020, 17:02
Sorting and filtering in the product tables
1. Evaluate the sorting order by columns of the column when clicking on the column header https://prnt.sc/vpvfnq by analogy with the list of proces...

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