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Search results for query #штрих-код

Barcode bug
There is a bug with barcodes. It is worth setting when creating a product to generate a barcode , products are created via api. And barcodes are n...
3 answer
Personal license
15.08.2022, 15:26
Products from the Promo are not imported when the "automatically generate barcode" option is enabled
Hello! You need to generate barcodes for new products. Now the goods are imported from the prom. The action is configured here: https://shopforcars...
1 answer
20.06.2022, 11:08
Barcode generated 11 digits instead of 13
Barcode generated 11 digits instead of 13 Checked the box "Automatically generate a barcode when creating a product in EAN-13 format" But...
1 answer
Personal license
29.04.2022, 21:55
is the barcode scanner implemented for mobile devices?
Good day. there is ice for which the ability to scan barcodes from the phone for working with the warehouse is fundamentally important. please tell...
6 replies
Receipt of goods via preg template (bar code of warehouse products) - How many hours ?
There is a preg https://box.vals.net.ua/admin/auto/action/minute/edit/ Parsing occurs according to the article And it is necessary that it be poss...
3 answer
16.02.2022, 10:38
How to install the Scanner shortcut on the mobile version
Guys, tell me how to display the scanner shortcut on the phone in the process? What is needed for this? I can't find it anywhere.
3 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
15.02.2022, 20:06
OS - coordinate the display style of the block in the process interface
Question to the developer. Please do a search in one style. Now the product search blocks by barcode and qr-code look like on the screenshot 1052
3 answer
Personal license
12.01.2022, 13:36
OS: Checking goods by barcodes
In the course of the process, we have implemented the following logic of work: 1) Add a product to the process by barcode ("Search for product...
2 answer
11.10.2021, 15:16
Change the size of a barcode in a document
There is a document template https://optmaster.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/document/templates/17/control/ It has an order barcode variable {customOrd...
1 answer
18.08.2021, 12:31
We introduce warehouse barcoding, added the "product barcode" block to the order page, also added a barcode column to the product table, ...

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