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Podtіbno real_zuvadі Dіyu at the stage Yaka will be in the process of pіdrakhovuvati kіlkіst commodіv (Vіdfіlіtrovanіkh іn additional field) in the sum і add (chi vіdnіmatі) up to the number from the directory і write in the field of the directory
Podtіbno real_zuvadі Dіyu at the stage Yaka will be in the process of pіdrakhovuvati kіlkіst commodіv (Vіdfіlіtrovanіkh іn additional field) in the...
5 replies
OneBox hangs when selecting a value in the add. process product field
Recorded a video with the problem: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NyuidQJVhNX1RzxLN9Qjyvjc5X8uTvP8/view?usp=shari...
1 answer
22.03.2021, 11:23
It takes a very long time to pull data from the directory and there is no way to fill in the data of the product fields
This morning, we are seeing problems with bp Access to the directory through the additional field takes a very long time. Also, we cannot fill in t...
11 replies
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
08.03.2021, 11:55
When adding an entry to the directory - it is duplicated
Here https://sint-master.com.ua/admin/shop/workflowstatus/139/action/new/ Adding to the directory is configured If you uncheck https://prnt.sc/10dl...
4 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
26.02.2021, 17:40
Incorrect action "Add process products to/from lookup(s)"
By adding the "Add process products to/from directory(s)" - https://prnt.sc/107o2en enter the value for "Setting up field comparison...
3 answer
24.02.2021, 17:21
the ability to edit the directory without opening a record, but immediately in the list of lines
Hello, a question regarding the convenience of the object directory (section directory). Our employee often makes adjustments to directories and no...
7 replies
Connect address directory to additional field
Good afternoon! we have an additional field - "city". how to connect a directory of cities to it and in what format should it be? Is it a...
2 answer
Additional treatment
You need to add the field "Restore the addendum field on the addendum fields of the addendum data", add the field "Directory record ...
11 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
08.02.2021, 14:19
Delete directory entries through your personal account
Here is a link to your personal account https://mail097480.crm-onebox.com/client/order/140/#done This is how we display the list of client addresse...
5 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
03.02.2021, 22:09
How the action works - Edit an entry in the directory based on process fields
Please explain how the action works Edit an entry in the directory based on process fields Here's what I'm trying to do with it: 1. I have ...

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