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Search results for query #сортировка

6 replies
CEO, owwa.com.ua
15.12.2020, 09:25
Category sorting
Good afternoon, tell me, now the sorting of categories in the "Category Manager" and "Products" is completely opposite (In the ...
3 answer
Друкарня "Друкарик"
14.12.2020, 10:34
Adjusting the weary sorting of goods on the site Template23
How to install a tired sorting of goods "for a number of processes"? І on a live site and on a mobile one. Number of adjustments does not...
Category sort order
In the Products List and Inventory Report, all categories are now sorted in order from Z to A. At the same time, I go into the categories and there...
Evaluate the improvement - the ability to sort products by column as a list - Additional fields.
now only standard fields I see can only be sorted, but I have a need to sort by some additional fields https://prnt.sc/vlax3u
5 replies
20.10.2020, 07:11
Alphabetical sorting of product category
https://prnt.sc/v2rjbe In addition to manual sorting, it would be nice to do alphabetical sorting in the list of product categories.
2 answer
01.10.2020, 18:36
Sort by name
Please sort by name (where you can not select sorting). https://prnt.sc/urcqkh
2015640690 - Calendar filter “Sorting tasks”
Improved filter “Sorting tasks (only for calendar display), which filters processes by time. The filter works in the "Calendar" and &quot...
11 replies
31.08.2020, 12:39
Sorting columns Reference information
Is it possible to customize the display order of the lookup columns? (Interface - Information from the directory)
Sorting processes
It is necessary that after switching the ways of displaying processes, the sorting of processes remains the same as in the previous method.
2014787918 - Refinement of the sorting of the product search block
In the “search for products” process block, sorting by units of measure has been improved. Sorting will be first by the unit of measure in the SI s...

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