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Search results for query #розетка

1 answer
The integration with the Socket stopped working after switching to the OS version
The first day everything worked (all settings were from the old version). Then the integration stopped working. When going to the settings, an erro...
I can't insert the Rosetka Delivery application
Gives an error, see screenshots. Please help
3 answer
The integration with Rozetka stopped working
As of yesterday, orders from the outlet to onebox stopped being imported. Moreover, today's new order was imported. And yesterday's 2 are n...
Orders with Horosop and Rozetka do not come in
Here are the application errors
1 answer
30.03.2023, 19:08
If the created directory has automation related to Rozetka, how are the directories updated?
Created manuals with automation: Rozetka category filters Value of Rozetka category filters And here is the question: 1. When will these directorie...
Orders do not come from the outlet
We did the re-registration of the store on Rozetka, the personal account has changed. The login and password have been changed in the integration s...
bugs and a lot of other problems
Well, I am writing here a list of problems that have been visited since yesterday around 18-19.00 1- The socket pulls Thousands of orders in the CR...
The delivery method does not enter the Rozetka branch
Today we connected delivery to Rosette offices. But when importing an order, the delivery method is for some reason Nova Poshta. Here is an example...
3 answer
Delivery to Rozetka delivery points - Calculate the finalization
A new type of delivery has appeared in the marketplace: Delivery to Rozetka delivery points Please calculate the finalization of the integration ac...
2 answer
integration does not work
The integration stopped working, what could be the reason?

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