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Search results for query #резерв

Accidentally cancelled the entire reserve in warehouses - please help!
Good afternoon https://rozum.1b.app/app/storage/tab/balance/ accidentally canceled the entire reserve in warehouses https://prnt.sc/2wn5TX1_zCrA Is...
0 replies
04.04.2024, 16:51
BUG! Products fly off reserve
Good afternoon. Today a problem has arisen: the same product is constantly leaving the reserve in different BPs and at different stages. Order exam...
1 answer
27.03.2024, 12:12
Product reserve bug
Good afternoon. We noticed that OneBox shows a product that is actually out of stock. This item is on reserve, but is not connected to the order i...
0 replies
05.02.2024, 11:53
Product reserve does not work correctly
Good afternoon. There is a problem with the item reserve action not triggering correctly. It is necessary that when moving to a stage, the product ...
6 replies
29.01.2024, 15:38
Product reserve
Good afternoon. There is a problem with the reserve of goods; at the “Reserve” stage we have the action “Reserve instead of the process in the wa...
10 replies
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
31.08.2023, 11:10
The reserve of shipped goods is not removed from the warehouse!
Good afternoon Processes: https://arp.1b.app/11636/ https://arp.1b.app/11540/ https://arp.1b.app/11396/ Shipped from warehouse. At several stages t...
2 answer
23.08.2023, 11:17
Problem with column layout on the reserve page
Shifted table headers
Minimum product reserve
Good afternoon, tell me how to set up a notification to the employee by mail about reaching the minimum reserve of the product in the warehouse
2 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
29.04.2023, 13:51
The reserve is not removed from the goods shipped from the warehouse
Good afternoon The reserve is not removed from the goods sold and shipped from the warehouse. Process https://arp.1b.app/8431/ There are actions "r...
1 answer
17.03.2023, 11:06
Do you need to withdraw the reserve before selling?
There is a product that is reserved and then sold. Is it necessary to remove the reserve in order to sell, (write off) the goods from the warehouse...

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