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8 replies
20.08.2021, 18:36
Good afternoon, next meal for the supplement "postal workers and price list": 1. Where can I find the item through, which one can go to t...
6 replies
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
18.08.2021, 13:54
Import file from dropbox
There is a file on dropbox It is available at https://www.dropbox.com/s/1rfw3asmlorkc2h/B2B_Data_Feed_280.xlsx In this way https://take.ms/fPP3O th...
2 answer
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
18.08.2021, 11:07
Bug when loading the price list. It is not possible to see all columns.
Box https://test271.crm-onebox.com/ https://test271.crm-onebox.com/app/supplier/import/ When uploading a file, it does not show all the columns. T...
5 replies
09.08.2021, 14:33
Product not updating after loading price list
Good afternoon. There is a product https://cabinet.tehnolavka.com.ua/admin/shop/products/914144/supplier/ which allegedly is not available , but i...
OS - when you click on different applications, price sites open one
1. desktop 2. Go to the price platform "Prom YmL" - opens https://rivcont.info/app/priceplace-promuayml/1/settings/ 3. Go to the price si...
2 answer
Personal license
14.07.2021, 13:40
get a year's crown when trying to import a great price
in the client, see the price, stay here https://box.360auto.com.ua/admin/auto/action/hour/edit/ if it is enabled, the annual crown will show a pard...
3 answer
17.05.2021, 15:28
Can't load price list
I don't understand how to fill in the supplier price list download settings. I watched the video instruction, but I didn’t understand what to d...
3 answer
Is it possible to merge the Primary and Secondary Image fields into one when uploading to XLS?
Is it possible to merge the Primary and Secondary Image fields into one when uploading to XLS? The marketplace requires you to create a product upl...
2 answer
Unloading categories Rosettes in Ukrainian - categories with an apostrophe are not unloaded
We specify through the directory "Computer speakers", or "USB flash memory" - unloads an empty category <categoryId/> how...
6 replies
22.04.2021, 10:22
Automatic download of price lists
Good afternoon, we did a revision earlier, namely the action "automatically uploading a price list and sending it to the mail", used it b...

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