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Search results for query #поиск продуктов

2015445995 - Refinement of the block “Product Search”
For the interface block of the “Product Search” process, the setting “When searching, display products whose field values are equal to” has been im...
2015339877 - Displaying suppliers in the search block
In the process interface block “Search for products”, the setting “Do not display lines with suppliers in the search results” has been improved
2015225317 - Improvement of the "Import data from the Brain supplier" action and the product search block
For the automatic action once a day “Import data from the supplier Brain”, the setting for selecting warehouses “Brain warehouse” has been improved...
2015265671 - Refinement of the block “Search for products”
For the “Search for Products” block of the process products interface, the setting “When adding a product, put down a discount separately from the ...
2015247309 - Refinement of the block “Product Search”
For the interface block of the "Product Search" process, the ability to display the name of the product filters has been added, and oppos...
2015190860 - Added a setting to the product search block in progress
In the process interface block “Search for products”, the setting “Display values of additional product fields in accordance with filtered values” ...
2015183516 - Refinement of the product search block in progress
For the product search block in the process interface, 2 settings have been improved: - "for additional product fields associated with the dir...
2015163159 - Refinement of the process search block
For the product search block of the process interface, the checkbox “When searching for products with the "Show only goods in stock" sett...
2015131623 - Improved setting for the interface block “Product Search”
For the interface block of the “Product Search” process, the following setting has been added: “Select fields. The values of these fields will be d...
Search products on the site
The site (23 template) has a search field. Even if the field is empty, we can click on the search button and this operation will be done. It is nec...

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