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Search results for query #мультиязычность

7 replies
28.01.2021, 12:35
Interested in the opinion of the developers on the URL
How to make a 2nd layout language so that the URL changes at the same time? That is, UA --- luxshina.ua, RU --- Luxshina.ua/ru or RU--- luxshina.ua...
1 answer
21.01.2021, 16:05
The "UA" button does not work in the mobile version, that is, it is not possible to switch to the Ukrainian language, although the transi...
3 answer
21.01.2021, 11:34
Installing the multilingual module
We ask you to connect the multilingual module on our euroshop.cn.ua box. Add Ukrainian language, default language is Ukrainian.
2015719739 - Added a setting to the action "Translate product fields into Ukrainian"
For the "Translate product fields into Ukrainian" action, the "Update product fields according to the change queue" setting has...
4 answer
14.01.2021, 17:45
Disadvantages of working in a multilingual version
When working with content with descriptions and names in two languages, there is an inconvenience, for example, they created the name and descripti...
4 answer
13.01.2021, 15:57
campshop.com.ua Categories, text pages were translated, here it was displayed in Ukrainian https://prnt.sc/wmmfrm now everything is in Russian agai...
7 replies
13.01.2021, 13:58
Multilingual. The translation is saved in both languages.
rybalkashop.com.ua Enabled multilingual. Rus. language and Ukrainian language. Included Ukrainian language and when translating categories into Ukr...
9 replies
01.01.2021, 19:15
1. How to temporarily disable the Russian language on the Larus.ua website - that is, remove the choice of the site language? Leave the site in Ukr...
1 answer
09.12.2020, 12:05
Automatic actions, API updates, etc. do not work
We connected the multilingual module, after the site became available, automation stopped working, price lists are not loaded, updating price lists...
2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
18.11.2020, 22:38
Multilingual - settings are not saved
Here is the OneBox client https://dimsp.crm-onebox.com/ Enabled multilanguage I set it up like this: and click on save settings Throws in the app...

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