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Search results for query #меню

5 replies
14.09.2021, 10:35
Finalization of the mass menu reset for all employees to general settings.
I set a task for revision from a partner box on Friday 10/09, but no one answered me. The task number in your box is 2015851952
Menu doesn't close after triggering an action in it
in BP orders, I can right-click to do actions, but there are 2 problems 1- it immediately transfers to a page with an open BP (there is no way to o...
5 replies
16.08.2021, 13:36
finalize the creation of a new menu item
Good afternoon There is such a task, you need to create an item in the main menu, by clicking on which the employee will immediately get into a spe...
2 answer
02.08.2021, 13:05
OS: How to set up the menu in the "Mobile Application"?
Good afternoon! Tell me, how in the "Mobile Application" application in the OS version, for a specific role (for example, this https://ou...
1 answer
Personal license
02.08.2021, 12:43
OS application menu
greeting in our instruction to integrators, the initial settings involve removing redundant business processes, fields, and menu items so that clie...
4 answer
18.07.2021, 11:17
OS: Application menu
At the moment, the menu is illogical, just a mess of items. Please update the menu: 1. Move the main parameters above, others below. And divide the...
2 answer
14.07.2021, 18:24
OS - Home screen
I have a couple of questions/suggestions for discussion: 1. Now it is possible to copy some applications and set up separate filters/views in them....
8 replies
22.06.2021, 16:41
Refinement (change the interface of Boxing)
Colleagues, good afternoon! Client request: Is it possible to change the interface of the Box - display the general menu in the upper part of the s...
Rate the Improvement - Display Quick Launch Buttons in the Product Card Menu
Very often I go to the product warehouses, and although it is not difficult, I want to go in 1 click using the button located in this place. in BPs...
Display items in the menu - Settings
Good afternoon. The task is to display the Settings item in the menu for employees, but only Customize the menu should be displayed in this item. S...

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