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OS - Home screen

I have a couple of questions/suggestions for discussion:
1. Now it is possible to copy some applications and set up separate filters/views in them.
There is a proposal to make the necessary items in the menu of the application itself, such as "My processes by calendar", "My processes", "Employee processes", etc.

2. Will it be possible to change the order of applications in favorites?
3. Is it possible to make the application menu so that it does not drop out automatically, but only on the right mouse click?
4. Is it possible to make some kind of notification icon on the application that there are updates on the processes? And so that you can configure this notification, only for processes where I am responsible.
Original question is available on version: ru


1. maybe later
2. will be within 2 days
3. no
4. later
14.07.2021, 22:50
Original comment available on version: ru

At the moment the ticket is not resolved.
20.07.2021, 09:20
Original comment available on version: ru

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