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Search results for query #карточка товара

The purchase price of the product in the product card
Tell me how to make it so that its purchase price is recorded in the product card, after the goods are received through the order to the supplier?
3 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
03.09.2021, 14:14
OS - variables for formula calculation
Guys, where to take out the variables in OneBox OS from the numerical additional fields of the product card in order to calculate the value for ano...
1 answer
19.07.2021, 17:21
OS - Duplicate items in the product card
https://rivcont.info/app/product/2190/edit/ Go to product card We see duplicate items
6 replies
17.07.2021, 14:22
OS: Product card interface glitch
Why does the product card interface not match the settings?
1 answer
12.07.2021, 08:49
Price settings not working
Hello! 1) The price setting does not work in the product card. 2) The block "price levels" does not work. The card is added to the interf...
Vipadkovo united up to 40 commodity positions into one. How to correct?
Good afternoon. Vipadkovo chi nі, but it so happened that they united in one sack of dozens of commodity positions. The whole story is in turmoil: ...
1 answer
Reservation of balances according to the product passport
What are the solutions in onebox: Beds are sold with or without lifting mechanism. The bed is sold as a separate product, and the lifting mechanism...
1 answer
13.04.2021, 12:23
serial number
How to add a serial number to the product card and use this serial number to write off the goods or credit them?
3 answer
12.03.2021, 18:10
Displaying prices in the product card through the global search menu (again)
Hello! Please see my comment on this issue: https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/interface/6968-otobrazhenie-tsen-v-kartochke-t...
9 replies
10.03.2021, 23:30
The product automation action does not work Fill in the product card based on the passport materials
Good afternoon. The action does not recalculate the price of the finished product, the goods with the passport https://crm.ohrana.ua/admin/shop/pro...

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