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Search results for query #дополнительные поля

1 answer
28.09.2020, 16:57
Copying additional fields of process products to a supplier order from a sales order
Is it possible to make an action that will copy the additional fields of the process product to the order to the supplier from the customer's o...
3 answer
Mass actions on add. contact fields
Good afternoon! I ask, if possible, to expand the functionality of the bulk action panel over contacts. Namely, to add the ability to change data i...
4 answer
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
02.09.2020, 23:41
Action not working
Here is the process https://baza.cn.ua/admin/customorder/order/20885/edit/ There is an additional field in the process http://prntscr.com/uah1km It...
5 replies
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
27.08.2020, 14:39
Action "Add filter to product with additional fields to process" shop_action_order_status_create_product_filter_by_customfield does not clear data
There is an action here https://baza.cn.ua/admin/shop/workflow/18/procedure/56/?status=0 The essence of this action is to copy the values of the ad...
2015581940 - Improved interface settings when creating a new product
In the “additional fields” block of the Interface Settings, when creating a new product, the ability to specify which fields should be displayed ha...
2015401524 - Improved display of additional fields in the report “Report on profit”
Added the system setting “Additional fields to be displayed in the report Profit report”, which allows you to set additional fields to be displayed...
1 answer
Друкарня "Друкарик"
03.11.2019, 18:43
Expand your business
Investigate the task "Clean up the values of the additional fields of the process". When you go to the stage, the field assignments will ...
2015180013 - Improvement of the action “Create a passport from process products”
For the BP action “Create a passport from process products”, the setting “Additional fields to be copied in the passport options” has been improved
1 answer
01.07.2019, 18:53
Search / additional fields / interface improvements
1. Add the ability to search starting with two characters, or even one. (example: google chrome address bar - you can already start the search with...
Improved the functionality of the panel for mass process changes
Added the ability to bulk change additional fields. To do this, in the settings of the bulk changes panel, it became possible to display additional...

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