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2 answer
16.03.2022, 17:57
OS - Question - Multiple Clients
By analogy with linked processes, where you can select several responsible, is it possible to create processes for several clients at once? Those. ...
3 answer
01.02.2022, 14:16
OS - Mark all viewed
Often there are a lot of notifications and clicking on each one to mark all viewed is not very convenient. It happens that you only need to view th...
9 replies
31.01.2022, 12:45
Working with the Brain provider
Hello. We check the box "recalculate the price with suppliers and warehouses" for 3 days in a row in bulk in the list of products, the go...
3 answer
28.01.2022, 07:32
OS - Question - Can an action remove an event?
How can I remove an event from a process? That is, I need to delete the process and everything connected with it, or a separate event that is assoc...
2 answer
06.10.2021, 18:11
OS - Question - In the account, the amount with a minus
Can you tell me why there is a minus sign in the invoice?
4 answer
26.03.2021, 12:08
Question: Structure of child processes (framework)
Tell me how this block works and how to configure it? No matter what I do, nothing helps. Thanks
2 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
28.09.2020, 10:00
block the "Ask a question" button if the "subject" field of the form is not filled
please block the "Ask a question" button if the "subject" field of the form is not filled http://prntscr.com/up30c5, otherwise ...
7 replies
25.08.2020, 15:48
Create a My Questions section
Since public support is replacing tickets in your personal account, then make a section with My questions so that you can monitor all your questions.

If you can't find a suitable theme - Submit your question.