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Search results for query #баланс

4 answer
02.10.2020, 17:23
Access to company profile
Good afternoon! I purchased the "Task Pack" technical support service. The validity of this service is until 2020-11-16 00:00:00 or until...
1 answer
10.09.2020, 14:15
The balance on the account of the Legal entity and in the "Finance" tab no longer corresponded.
Initial: legal entity created. An Account (wallet) has been created for it. The initial balance on this wallet is set. After a few days, the amount...
8 replies
03.09.2020, 13:36
How not to take into account the wallet in the total balance
How not to take into account the wallet in the total balance Good afternoon. How to set in the wallet settings what would not take into account pay...
2015582490 - Displaying the article in the report "Change in the balance in warehouses"
For the report “Change in the balance in warehouses”, the column “article” has been added.
2015567571 - Sorting goods in the warehouse
For the table “Balance of products in warehouses” of the “Balance in warehouse” section, it has been improved so that when the default sorting “pro...
2015321272 - Finalization of the report “Changes in the balance in warehouses”
For the report “Change in the balance in warehouses” the following has been improved: - filter by category; - column “Sold amount” - displays the a...

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