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7 replies
16.03.2021, 11:13
Integration not working
ts.crm-onebox.com I can't get the api/storage-translocation/product/updatebalance/ method to work post request. If all parameters are passed in...
4 answer
14.03.2021, 18:25
Prom discounts
Can you tell me how to transfer the discount value for commodity items (products) from OneBox to the Prom UA marketplace?
5 replies
04.03.2021, 17:42
API Data Transfer
We pass data via API to the deliveryNote field, but the field is overwritten and the main field when we insert the value is called deliverynote. Ho...
17 replies
01.03.2021, 19:41
prom update api availability once an hour
In the action "PromUA / Import products" there is a setting "Update prices and availability for all products on PromUA every hour&qu...
API request to change status
Good afternoon. There is an automatic action when you go to the "change the status of an order on WordPress" stage, please tell me which ...
3 answer
29.01.2021, 20:02
Rosette changed api
Good evening, the outlet is changing the api and asking us to change it, we changed it, but they say that boxing still refers to the old one Screen...
1 answer
23.12.2020, 19:37
Number of API Requests
What is the API limit on the number of requests per hour / day?
1 answer
14.12.2020, 16:20
Integration with API
Is it possible to integrate with your CRM system via API? And where can we look at the documentation regarding their API - for data exchange.
2 answer
10.12.2020, 10:50
Action Submit Business Process to API
Hello. I set up the action "Submit business process to API" I could not find how to pass process fields in the JSON parameters, which are...
2 answer
09.12.2020, 12:05
Integration with the site, if it is self-written
The client has a custom website. From their side, the integration of the website with OneBox will be done by the programmer. What actions does the ...

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