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Search results for query #хорошоп

8 replies
05.02.2021, 14:01
Incorrect import from Goodshop orders with kits and gifts
Incorrect import from Goodshop of orders with sets and gifts. With the Gift function (a product with a zero price) enabled, we see the order on ХШ ...
10 replies
02.02.2021, 15:37
Some of the goods are not transferred correctly when imported into the good
noticed that the number of goods in stock in the box is greater than the number of goods in stock in XIII, while the total number of goods was the ...
4 answer
17.01.2021, 20:20
onebox and okop integration
Good evening! Is there an instruction for setting up the transfer of orders from good to onebox?
4 answer
04.01.2021, 14:07
Who will be able to help with setting up the unloading in Horoshop according to API Characteristics (filters) of goods?
Who will be able to help with setting up the unloading in Horoshop according to API Characteristics (filters) of goods? in horoshop.atlassian.net t...
4 answer
04.01.2021, 13:43
Import to Horoshop by API
The horoshop manuals have API variables https://prnt.sc/wfx2ao https://horoshop.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DOCS/pages/25296954 containing (.) but it...
1 answer
24.12.2020, 14:32
Good day. Boxing has removed all the goods on Horoshopi!!!! Now on to any goods on both moves in the description the text "UAH" https://c...
1 answer
21.12.2020, 13:50
Horoshop - transfer of residues
Now there is a setting https://vzuto.crm-onebox.com/admin/auto/action/hour/edit/ BUT it transfers all products, even those that have not been upda...
5 replies
18.12.2020, 11:40
The goods were no longer transferred to the good Some new categories were transferred partially. What could be the reason? Checked the logs, there ...
Horosop integration stopped working
Good afternoon. No more new products are created in the OneBox system. We have set up the import of goods from Horoshop, but over the past 2 days, ...
23 answer
16.12.2020, 12:18
Transfer of goods and descriptions to good
Good afternoon! Can you please tell me if it is possible to set up integration with okop, so that the description is transmitted only when the prod...

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