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Search results for query #google

6 replies
20.10.2020, 13:05
Google Shopping
Good afternoon! Are there plans to integrate with Google Shopping?
3 answer
18.10.2020, 13:30
Google Address - Selective Paste
Please add the ability to insert only part of the address in the additional field of the process. https://prnt.sc/v1m0xg Now there is a hint for Go...
1 answer
17.10.2020, 07:14
Connecting Google My Business
The client's business (an online food store) receives applications, orders through the Google My Business resource. There is a desire to receiv...
3 answer
Yandex Speech
Tell me, Yandex Speech (https://prnt.sc/urpz3o) how does the integration work and is it active now? Also is there any integration with Google Speac...
13 replies
24.09.2020, 13:45
XML for google shopping
Good day, tell me what's wrong http://joxi.ru/1A5KjO1Ib0gznm
4 answer
22.09.2020, 21:35
XML file for Google Shopping Merchant Center
The action XML Product Integration (Export) was configured and an xml file with attributes was created under the Google Shopping Merchant Center ac...
1 answer
22.09.2020, 15:03
Google Spreadsheet in vendor price list upload
Regardless of whether an XLS or XLSX file is selected, a field for the Google Sheets file id link appears. OneBox https://campshop.com.ua/ https://...
15 replies
14.09.2020, 15:08
What is the Google Maps error on the order page?
http://joxi.ru/LmGgJNgslJNqom https://one-box.shine-bright.com.ua/admin/customorder/order/153651/edit/
2 answer
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
27.08.2020, 19:06
Can't fill in customer address (Google Maps)
Here is the client https://baza.cn.ua/admin/shop/users/1637/ I try to fill in the address but I get the error "There was a problem loading Goo...
1 answer
05.08.2020, 12:35
⚡ Transfer process to Google Calendar
⚡ Give the opportunity to go to the stage if the employee does not have integration with Google Calendar! Why such criticality⁉ Some may have integ...

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