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XML for google shopping


An error occurred in one of the elements in the file. You need to open this file at least in a text editor, find the line with the number 180 and understand what kind of object it is.
It can be either a category or a product or a field content. Judging by the mistake - it may be the name of the product. There may be a character in the name that is not supported by XML
It's hard to explain without a file.
24.09.2020, 15:07
Original comment available on version: ru

24.09.2020, 15:09
Original comment available on version: ru

I have a hunch but I need to test it in your box. Unfortunately, I can not enter, because there are no free licenses in the box. Can you release the license?
24.09.2020, 15:30
Original comment available on version: ru

viyshov from boxing, you can revise
24.09.2020, 15:54
Original comment available on version: ru

I still can’t log in, but it seems like I managed to detect an error and login is no longer needed - you have one of the tags just empty http://i.imgur.com/kEcpidg.png
Most likely not completely empty, but a space. those. in action, you have one of the fields for uploading not completely empty, but there is a space. The field is not unloaded only if it is not filled, but the space is also a value, and therefore unloaded. In general, check all your fields in action for unloading goods
24.09.2020, 16:00
Original comment available on version: ru

By the way, I can recommend opening these files in the Firefox browser - just this browser clearly indicates errors visually, which is very convenient when checking a file for errors.
24.09.2020, 16:02
Original comment available on version: ru

marvelously, perevіriv probіlіv nemає in kartochtsі cgo goods. Viyshov will play boxing, so you can come in and turn V. for
24.09.2020, 16:15
Original comment available on version: ru

Alex wrote:
marvelously, perevіriv probіlіv nemає in kartochtsі cgo product. Viyshov will play boxing, so you can come in and turn V. for

I still can't get into boxing... http://i.imgur.com/upin44B.png
You misunderstood me a little. The problem is not with the product, but with the tag itself. Those. you have an action that dumps certain fields into a file, resp. generates this file. in the action, instead of the tag name, just a space is indicated or the name of the required tag is not indicated https://prnt.sc/un3ug2
24.09.2020, 16:30
Original comment available on version: ru

probіl know, now tse vіzlo http://joxi.ru/Y2LznR4TEnv81r
24.09.2020, 17:40
Original comment available on version: ru

Similarly, only the problem is with another tag http://i.imgur.com/KINNBcU.png
check its spelling, a letter from Cyrillic may be used, it is better to rewrite it manually, i.e. clear the field beforehand and re-enter manually without copying.
24.09.2020, 18:09
Original comment available on version: ru

It seems to be a problem that OneBox does not escape all tags.
Developers will fix it tomorrow.
24.09.2020, 21:23
Как со мной связаться - никак :)
Задавайте вопросы на форуме публично - и я отвечу.
Подробнее - https://1b.app/ru/user/11/
Original comment available on version: ru

Good afternoon, thank you for your advice.
Fid has been formed. Having taken yoga in the merchant center. And here I am again є problems:
http://joxi.ru/VrwE16nf4KkRb2 everything is spelled out http://joxi.ru/5mdgwaoI8v0Olr
plus tse http://joxi.ru/krDzd54T40xoY2
25.09.2020, 09:18
Original comment available on version: ru

Good morning. this is a completely different situation and does not concern the execution of the current task. Please create a new request on the forum, describe all the details - screenshots with action settings, attach a link to the file, describe the algorithm of your actions
25.09.2020, 09:57
Original comment available on version: ru

Please join the conversation. If you have something to say - please write a comment. You will need a mobile phone and an SMS code for identification to enter. Log in and comment