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Search results for query #viber

1 answer
24.09.2022, 14:05
Need instruction
Good afternoon! I installed the application, connected it, it works in one direction, send 1 message directly from the application. Tell me how to ...
1 answer
18.08.2022, 18:49
CRM for sales department
We at OneBox Corp can help you automate your OneBox sales force. We will audit your business processes, give recommendations based on our experienc...
1 answer
18.08.2022, 18:49
CRM for vіddіlu sales
My company OneBox Corp can help you to automate sales on the basis of OneBox. We would like to audit your business processes, give recommendations ...
8 replies
12.07.2022, 17:54
Share phone button not working
Configured button with Action Type Share phone https://mtvnetwork.1b.app/app/viber/1/keyboard/button/1/ The button was sent in the process https://...
2 answer
Personal license
15.06.2022, 10:48
how to delete Viber ID in a contact in the OS?
Hello! in the MVP version, it was possible to display Viber ID in the contact interface. if it was cleared, Viber correspondence could be reset. ho...
4 answer
10.06.2022, 17:51
viber emoji
Viber sends not only viber emojis (which are simply transmitted in text in our box), but also emojis that are from android and ios (Fig. 1) and th...
3 answer
Personal license
06.06.2022, 17:44
How does the Viber share number button work?
In the settings of the Viber button control application, it is possible to configure the action to share the phone number . Tell me exactly how th...
15 replies
05.06.2022, 17:21
Comment Feed - Comment type and client bug
1. When creating a process from a Viber message, the system groups them into the "Letters" group, although in the settings it is possible...
3 answer
01.06.2022, 18:21
viber welcome sms
There is such a method https://developers.viber.com/rest/#sending-a-welcome-message Basically, it should send a welcome sms when you go to this bot...
3 answer
Personal license
02.05.2022, 12:22
Questions about Viber messages
Advice is needed: if you send a message to the client on desktop Viber with [url_change_status:statusID], it is automatically activated and changes...

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