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Search results for query #таблица

1 answer
28.08.2023, 18:02
Formulas for searching and substituting under the name of all other data
I have a table that contains the first name, last name, department, code and date of employment of employees. I need to enter a formula in a separa...
11 replies
08.01.2023, 14:30
The problem with the layout when fixing the table header and setting checkboxes
If you fix the table header and select processes in the list, then the height of the block with information about the number of selected elements a...
2 answer
03.01.2023, 01:58
Line wrapping in the date and time field
Please make sure that the line does not wrap in the Date and Time field. Now it turns out 3 lines. It is very difficult to perceive the information...
The table of goods is no longer displayed in all business processes
The Table of Goods is no longer displayed in all business processes (leads, deals...). When trying to open a spreadsheet in a new window, the follo...
2 answer
Possibility to select a category and a client in the payment table
Now we can link the process without going into payments It is necessary that such a setting be for the Client and the Payment category How many ho...
2 answer
01.05.2022, 23:30
Refinement of unloading google spreadsheets by sheets
in box https://palyanica.1b.app/ In the action "Export processes to Google spreadsheets" add a drop-down list Where we select the proces...
3 answer
Search in table view
When searching for products in a table view, the results are displayed as a list. That is, the display format changes. Is this a bug, or is product...
11 replies
add field settings for orders tables
you can add a setting (tick) "In one column" and with the setting enabled, the variable was placed in the same column as the previous one
5 replies
25.10.2021, 16:56
in the interface, the same field is displayed without the last thousandth; in the table, the number is displayed with a thousandth
Hello. Our Van Box does not display field values correctly (it removes numbers after hundredths, that is, thousandths are not displayed ... The tho...
Evaluate the revision - 2-3 types of Columns of tables of products and processes
Now we see Products and processes in customized tables the difficulty is that different tasks require different columns and indicators in the wor...

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