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1 answer
Друкарня "Друкарик"
23.08.2022, 14:12
Current contacts are displayed incorrectly
Current contacts are displayed incorrectly https://drukaryk.1b.app/app/contact/15263/ https://drukaryk.1b.app/30654/
5 replies
22.06.2022, 12:54
Incorrect display in the layout and an error with folding
1. Here http://crm.tryalia.com.ua/app/report/desiner/8/view/?filter_storagemove_datefrom...
2 answer
21.04.2022, 14:44
Output what should not be output by access rights
Here are the permissions here https://fr-auto.1box.link/app/workflowtype-rabota-so-skladom/?aclgroupid=1&s... (pic 1) We go under the ...
1 answer
30.03.2022, 09:46
Opencart settings are displayed incorrectly
Here https://box.yerocolors.com/app/opencart-1/ Here is the mapping Please correct
the value of the additional product field is not displayed in the process card
Hello, in the process card https://crm.mildi.ru/admin/customorder/mildi/71868/edit/ for some reason the value of the additional field of the produc...
Interface not displaying correctly
Here is the process https://tradework.com.ua/admin/customorder/order/132310/edit/ There is an action at the stage https://tradework.com.ua/admin/sh...
2 answer
08.09.2021, 12:52
Displaying additional product fields depending on the category additional product fields
In the additional fields of products, you can select a category. But the fields, all are displayed in a bunch in the product card, regardless of th...
OS - products column does not display all products
Открываем https://rivcont.info/app/workflowtype-issue/?dumpHash=&objectsFromName=&...
How to connect the Process Tree?
Help connect the process tree display.
16 replies
31.08.2021, 12:33
Display a column in the list of processes
Baby, it's gotta be right here https://monoshop.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/zakazi-postavshchiku/?filtercu...

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