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Double client
Good afternoon! I create a FOP client https://g-arm.1b.app/app/contact/97/?newUserCreate=1&fromCompany= I enter the data, in particular the &qu...
4 answer
Help to find where processes are duplicated
Recently, they noticed that the number of created processes increases out of order, but somehow after 40-50 help me find the reason? No tasks seem...
4 answer
01.12.2021, 15:36
Brand double
Hello. The Victoria's Secret brand ( ) is duplicated in the https://smartgroup.crm-onebox.com/ system - about 90 pages in total. Please remove ...
4 answer
22.11.2021, 11:26
CsCart - duplicates
In the topic https://1b.app/ru/support/online-stores/10688-os---eksport-produktov-v-cs-cart--... they suggested a solution "do not ...
12 replies
03.08.2021, 09:50
Duplicates of goods when integrating with a DC-link supplier
Hello! Previously, https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/suppliers-and-prices/9644-zagruzka-tovarov-ot-... has been improved. At the...
3 answer
14.01.2021, 14:27
Pervert why files are duplicated?
Good day. In the process https://difreight.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/lidi/10268/edit/?filedelete=6... files are duplicated. The subprocess ...
1 answer
29.12.2020, 09:33
Good afternoon. Found several contacts with the same numbers. And we can’t find in the settings a ban on creating accounts with duplicate numbers.
4 answer
25.12.2020, 15:26
failure to send auto messages
https://prnt.sc/w9qv9n auto messages are duplicated and sent 3 times what's happened ?
6 replies
22.12.2020, 15:51
Finance bug
Payments are doubled (spent) https://prnt.sc/w7rf3l The payment "Incoming 7774.00 UAH" was added to this order, and it was carried out 4 ...
5 replies
27.11.2020, 15:09
Gluing contacts by phone number
Is it possible to somehow improve the recognition by the box of clients who have the same phone, but sometimes they enter the country code, and som...

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