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Search results for query #документ

Document templates
Dear, please tell me, I have a document template. The product passport is unfolded - that is, the product and the materials included in it are ther...
3 answer
04.10.2023, 12:08
Facsimile legal seal faces in document variables
Here https://gamacrm.1b.app/app/document/templates/2/control/ It is necessary to display a facsimile stamp of the selected legal entity. persons in...
6 replies
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
22.06.2023, 10:33
Printing a document in pdf instead of opening, the file is immediately downloaded
Good afternoon Today, the printing of documents in pdf has ceased to open, now there is an automatic download. How can I get back the function Prin...
2 answer
06.04.2023, 10:41
OS / Add the ability to go from the document to the process in which it was created
Good day! Wishes for improvement. I receive a question from an employee about a document, for example https://crm.ohrana.ua/app/document/149377/c...
7 replies
02.03.2023, 14:07
Grouping of identical goods in documents
As in the document template, you can group the same products by the additional field of the process product
3 answer
03.12.2022, 01:35
How to correctly register FTP access for uploading?
2 steps: Check out document and Upload documents to FTP/SFTP. The document is not uploaded to ftp one at a time. FTP host - do I need to specify an...
1 answer
28.09.2022, 15:50
The document is automatically generated in the BOX system - more than CRM and ER
The document is automatically generated in the BOX system - more than CRM and ER - how to clean up the template?
4 answer
26.09.2022, 11:05
Evaluate the refinement of the qr code variable
Here is the document template https://entertainment.1b.app/app/document/templates/1/control/ We can use product qr id row:product_qr_productid it ...
1 answer
26.07.2022, 14:02
Evaluate the refinement of product bar code creation on the basis of addn. process product fields
In my order, each product will have an additional field in the format of a number or a line (it doesn't matter) where I will write 11 or 13 cha...
2 answer
18.07.2022, 10:13
Evaluate the finalization of the document signature online
There is a need to sign documents through the phone, following the principle of how it works in Privat24 at the checkout. That is, in order to disp...

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