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Search results for query #atimofeev

5 replies
AZ filtering works weird
https://rozpakui.crm-onebox.com/admin/report/desiner/3/view/ in such a report I filter indicators without observing A-Z https://prnt.sc/xrkut5 So w...
3 answer
12.01.2021, 16:11
automatically split the order into sub-orders due to the shipment of goods from different warehouses
The client has a multi-brand store, has several warehouses in different cities, and it often happens that when they receive an order for several go...
9 replies
Questions about integration: 1) If a client wrote a comment under a post, is it possible to create a task in the system so that it would be visible...
3 answer
2-factor registration in personal account
I ask you to evaluate the decision on this variant of refinement in the LC: Set up the Registration page in your account - https://prnt.sc/vr5xzd O...
3 answer
Contact group interface
https://onebox.mim.kiev.ua/admin/shop/users/19766/#done - the contact is in 3 groups One of which is Employees - https://onebox.mim.kiev.ua/admin/s...
4 answer
Block Totals
I set the Total values block - http://crm.loader.com.ua/admin/shop/workflowstatus/172/interface/#done https://prnt.sc/vjy082 It should count values...
6 replies
Payments in personal account_Closing the payment window
At the time of the client's payment from the personal account - the following processes are created - https://crm.ohholding.com.ua/admin/custo...
2 answer
Problem with loading payments via CSV
The client has an action configured - http://crm.loader.com.ua/admin/auto/action/hour/edit/ for importing payments via CSV I checked these settings...
2 answer
Floating point field
https://prnt.sc/vbudbf - if the field type is specified as :floating point, then in the universal block it should also display floating point, righ...
3 answer
No HTTPS certificate
https://ngsi.onebox-system.com/ - the security certificate has expired. The client bought the system 3 years ago. The domain name belongs to Box. H...

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